Latest Update on Clontarf Flood Defence Project

04 Jul 2013

The following has today being released by Dublin City Council with the agreement of the Clontarf Residents' Association and Clontarf Business Association.

Dublin City Council

Clontarf Promenade & Flood Defence Project.

Briefing note – July 2013

 A Joint Working Group(JWG) has been established with representatives from:

  • Dublin City Council
  • Clontarf Residents Association
  • Clontarf Business Association

to consider possibilities for the development of the Clontarf Promenade to include Flood Defence.

This was a key recommendation from a workshop last October facilitated by Independent Chair Mr. George Ryan in the aftermath of City Council decision not to proceed with a flood defence scheme.

A cross-disciplinary group from Dublin City Council comprising representatives from the Environment and Engineering Department, the North City Area Office, the Parks and Landscapes Services Division, and the City Architects Division, along with representatives from the local community, set out to prepare the process for considering a project which would reduce the risk of flooding and develop and enhance the Clontarf Promenade.

To date 4 meetings of Joint Working Group have taken place namely:

21st February 2013

  • Copies of the Facilitators (George Ryan) Report from Workshop last October were circulated and it was generally agreed that it fairly represented the Workshop.  

  9th  April 2013

  • The focus for this meeting was a possible Clontarf Promenade Development. 
  • CRA/CBA welcomed the great work Parks have completed so far on the Prom, clearing scrub etc. and it created a realisation that changes to the Promenade can be seen as a positive outcome.
  • Parks outlined their strategy for Parks in the City and to look at the Promenade Development as an opportunity to improve what’s there.  

16th May 2013

  • This meeting discussed the funding constraints and identified a joint work programme for 2013.

19th June 2013

  • Parks Section made a presentation to the group ‘Landscape Analysis’ of the Clontarf Promenade.  
  • The whole landscape was divided up into 8 sections and each section was looked at in terms of it’s main focal points, its assets and issues.
  • This template to be used as a framework for promenade development incorporating flood risk reduction.


Next meeting scheduled for 23rd July 2013

  • The next meeting will be reviewing the facilitators report and there will be discussion of the objectives/constraints of a Flood Defence Scheme taking into account what the CRA and CBA have outlined.
  • Royal Haskoning will be invited to attend and can advise group on Flood Defence structure that will be required in order to meet standards and specifications to OPW guidelines.


2013 Work programme.

Scoping Study.

  • It was agreed that one of the main aims of this group was to produce a Scoping Document by the end of the year.
  • Funding application to be made to OPW thereafter. 
  • Integration of an Environment Enhancement Scheme alongside the flood defence requirements is essential

Based on the objectives and agreed vision as set out above, in order to develop a brief, the project team will address the following issues in consultation with the community:

Current condition audit

  • National and International exemplars of similar recent flood defence infrastructure in public spaces will be identified and form a reference section within the brief. 
  • Exemplars will be selected on the basis of their effectiveness as flood defences and their impact on the amenity and aesthetics of the receiving environment. 
  • Information on the procurement process for design, funding models and methods of engagement with stakeholders and the community used in such exemplars will be analysed and will inform a possible brief

Partners and Funding Models 

Examine existing capital public funding programmes that could be targeted over the next few years.


Target 2013 

  • A draft brief scoping document will be produced for circulation with the community and other stakeholders before the scope of any brief is finalised.
  • The involvement of the community throughout the procurement process is vital to its success.
  • The need for negotiation with State agencies and funding bodies to securing funding will be required at this stage.