Latest Update: Gracefield Road to Vernon Avenue Walking and Cycling Scheme

03 Jul 2023

The closing date for making observations on the proposed Gracefield Road to Vernon Avenue Walking and Cycling Scheme is tomorrow the 4th July 2023.  Full details of the proposal, including maps and drawings can be found at

We would encourage everyone to have their voice heard by making observations to DCC on this scheme.  You can provide feedback directly to DCC by email to or by completing their survey using this link.  

Thank you to all those who emailed us about this proposal and to those who completed our survey of the suggestions made in relation to this scheme.  Our observations to DCC will reflect the feedback we have received and will include the results of our survey.  Key finding:  While over 83% of respondents use active travel at least once a week & 56% of respondents do so on a daily basis, only 52% of respondents were in favour of the proposal!  Full results of the survey can be found here.

It is important that residents understand that this project is just one of many active travel schemes being developed by DCC.  Their aim is to expand the Active Travel Network from and existing 10km to a total 310km across the city.  Decisions on these schemes are made by DCC officials and they are not a reserved function of our elected representatives.