Kodaline Concert @ St Anne's Park | Info
We would like to make residents aware that MCD Promotions intend to host two Kodaline concerts over the June 2019 Bank Holiday weekend in St. Anne's Park.
According to Dublin City Council, the statutory pre-application consultation took place last week between the promotors, DCC Planning, DCC Parks, Local Gardaí and Dublin Fire Brigade and no objections were made. The application will now move into the licence application stage and it is believed an official application will be lodged by end of January 2019 (16 weeks before the event)
Once it is lodged and circulated, there is a three week period for third-party objections.
At this time, it is believed that the max number tickets sold by MCD for each concert will not exceed 12,000 (compared to 40,000 for concerts in Marley Park or Phoenix Park). The concerts will not affect Olive's Room, The Red Stables, playground, car park, Rose Garden, dog park or other visitor attractions. Concerts must also end at 10.30 pm.
Lastly, it is our understanding that local councillors were only advised of this by DCC yesterday, December 3rd.
We will inform residents and followers of LoveClontarf.ie of updates as we receive them.