Judicial Review Update | CRA & I Love St Annes

01 Aug 2018

Update From CRA & I Love St Anne's on Judicial Review

St. Paul’s Playing Fields in St Anne’s

Judge Barniville issued his ruling in our case this morning. He has directed that the matter be remitted back to An Bord Pleanála for a new decision. The Board have a period of six weeks from today in which to issue that decision.

What happens next? The original Inspector’s Report still stands and the Board will probably grant permission for the development once again.

If permission is granted, we will, in all likelihood, be back in court seeking a Judicial Review of the new decision as the substantive arguments in our case, which have not been addressed and are not covered by this ruling, will still stand.

While today’s outcome is not what we had hoped for – i.e. outright quashing of the decision – it is a positive outcome. We will not be appealing today’s ruling.

The community has been vindicated in taking the Judicial Review. Had we not done so An Bord Pleanála’s erroneous decision would have gone unchallenged.

The fight to protect these lands from development and have them restored to their designated community uses will continue. We would like to thank you for your continued support.

You can contact us at clontarf.res.assoc@gmail.com or ilovestannes1@gmail.com.