2nd Joint Statement from I Love St Annes and CRA

12 Apr 2018


Joint Statement from I Love St Anne’s and Clontarf Residents’ Association.

There was a great turn out for our meeting on Tuesday night in Clontarf Castle and again last night in Raheny GAA.  

Not only is the community at large united in their opposition to this development but so too are our public representatives - across the full political spectrum.  This is not something that happens often if at all.

St Anne’s Park is DCC’s premier park. It is often referred to as the lungs of the Northside. If they can build inside St Anne’s they can build anywhere. There was a clear demand from the meeting not to allow developers to rewrite the City Development Plan and not to allow national and EU legislation, designed to protect the environment, to be ignored. 

As we have said previously, because of the removal of the right of appeal under this Strategic Housing Development legislation, the only option open to us is a Judicial Review.  We will not know if we have sufficient grounds to apply for a Judicial Review until we secure appropriate legal advice.

We went to these meetings seeking a mandate to begin that process. We now have that mandate backed up with financial donations, pledges of money and offers of professional assistance from the community.

Yes, the developers’ pockets are deeper than ours. Yes, this will be an uphill struggle. No, to building in St Anne’s!