Jog For Jonathan!
Jonathan Ranson is a 21 year old student from Clontarf. Last summer, Jonathan suffered a serious accident. In case you are unfamiliar with his story, Jonathan explains what took place in his own words:
“Last summer while in San Diego on a J1 visa, I had a serious accident. I broke my neck after diving into a swimming pool. Due to spinal damage I am paralysed from the chest down and have impaired / limited use of my arms, wrists and fingers. After two major operations in California I retuned to Dublin, first to the Mater Hospital and then to the National Rehabilitation Hospital. Thanks to the staff at the NRH I have made great progress over the past four months, regaining greater use of my arms and fingers - which I was advised was unlikely. I am determined to push myself to the limit and these improvements are very encouraging. Having just moved back into my family home which is being modified for my needs, my next challenge is to return to Trinity College in September to finish my degree in Business. In the meantime, I will keep fighting to live the fullest life I can.”
The community of Clontarf and those further afield have already done a huge amount to help Jonathan and his family, but more fundraising is needed to give Jonathan the best care possible.
This year’s Women’s Mini Marathon is the perfect time to help out!
Jonathan’s team are currently putting a group of women together to run, skip, walk, stroll or crawl the 2015 Women's Mini Marathon on Monday 1st June at 2pm - and they want YOU to join in!
To be part of the team (and get the t-shirt!), you need to act fast! There are limited places available in the marathon so you need to grab yours quickly.
To get involved:
1. Register for the marathon today via the official website to secure your place in marathon. Entries close on 1st April 2015 but it has been known to book out early.
2. Email and provide your entry number for the marathon.
3. Jonathan’s team will email you a sponsorship form and other race information.
4. Go on the hunt for sponsors and donations!
Team Jonathan Ranson is dedicated to organising fundraising events which support Jonathan Ranson's progress & empower him to achieve his life's goals!
Please check out their official website and Facebook page for more information.