James Larkin Road Closures Oct 10th - 24th 2016
*Story updated Septemember 20th 2016, 16:15 hrs*
The following is a notice sent to us from Dublin City Council in regards to scheduled road closures for the James Larkin Road from Ocotober 10th - 24th;
A request has been received from KN Network Services for the temporary closure of the following road to facilitate resurfacing work on the dates and times listed below:
James Larkin Road (from Clontarf Road/Mount Prospect Road to Causeway Road), Dublin 5 from 00.00hrs on Monday 10th October to 24.00hrs Monday 24th October 2016.
Traffic Management Plan
Outbound traffic on Fairview wishing to travel on Clontarf Road & James Larkin Road to Kilbarrack, Sutton and Howth will be diverted via Howth Road.
Inbound traffic on Dublin Road wishing to travel on James Larkin Road to Clontarf Road will be diverted via Howth Road, Sybil Hill Road and Vernon Avenue.
Pedestrian access will be maintained.