Information on Proposed Car Parking Facilities - DCC

14 Dec 2015



We have received the following information from Dublin City Council, regarding the Proposed Additional Car Parking Facility south of the Wooden Bridge which is part of the S2S Cycleway and Footway Interim Works. This leaflet was also distributed to houses within the area over the weekend.

S2S Cycleway and Footway Interim Works -Bull Road to Causeway Road Scheme 

Proposed Additional Car Parking Facility south of Wooden Bridge 

Dublin City Council’s Environment and Transportation Department carried out a statutory public consultation as part of a planning application in accordance with the Planning and Development Act 2000 and the Planning Development Regulations 2001 (Part 8) for the S2S Cycleway and Footway Interim Works - Bull Road to Causeway Road Scheme. Part 8 planning approval for the scheme was granted in May 2013. Works on site commenced in May 2015 and are expected to continue until 2017. 

The existing road carriageway will typically be reduced to 6m in width (two no. 3m wide traffic lanes) as part of the scheme, and as a result of this there will be a loss of some on-street parking ( 6 spaces) between Kincora Road and Seafield Road East. In order to address this issue, Dublin City Council proposes to construct a new indented Pay & Display parallel car parking area with a capacity for ten vehicles and one disabled space just south of Wooden Bridge. The proposed location and layout of the car parking area are shown on Drawing No. SK-0001A overleaf (see link below). The final design for the new facility has not yet been finalised but it is anticipated that its charging structure and hours of operation would be similar to other nearby Pay & Display car parks on Clontarf Road owned by Dublin City Council. It is hoped to commence construction of this facility early in 2016. 

Queries in relation to the above works may be submitted to Dublin City Council on or before Friday 15th January 2016 by email to or in writing to the Executive Manager, Environment and Transportation Department, Block 2 Floor 6, Dublin City Council, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8. Please note that Dublin City Council will provide an update will be provided to local residents and businesses before the commencement of construction of the proposed new indented Pay & Display parallel car parking area.

To see the full leaflet and plans, click here