Info on Planning Applications - St. Paul's Lands/Swimming Pool
The following news post includes information on two separate planning applications lodged with Dublin City Council, the first being the playing fields at St. Paul’s/St. Anne’s, and the second is the land at the old St. Paul’s swimming pool site.
Please read these carefully and remember that the final date for objections for St. Paul’s Playing Fields Site is Thursday 21st January before 4.30 pm, while the final date for objections the swimming pool site is Thursday 28th January at 4.30 pm.
***St. Paul’s Playing Fields Site***
Application no. 4185/15
Full Development Description
The development will consist of: 1) the demolition of 3 no. existing school (and school related) structures - modular prefab classrooms (694 sq.m.); a disused classroom block (327 sq.m.) and a changing room block (153 sq.m.);, 2) the construction of an access road with footpaths and on-road cycle tracks from Sybil Hill Road between Sybil Hill House (protected structure) and St Paul's College incorporating new accesses to Sybil Hill House and St Paul's College and the provision of new wall and railing boundary treatment along the new road and new pedestrian/vehicular gates to the new and existing accesses to Sybil Hill House and St Paul's College; 3) the widening and realignment of an existing vehicular access onto Sybil Hill Road to facilitate the proposed access road; 4) the construction of 2 no. all-weather playing pitches - 1 no. 134m x 85m multi-use pitch with 6 no. 18m high columns each with 4 no. lamps and 1 no. 32m x 54m soccer pitch with 8 no. 12m high floodlights each with 2 no. fittings - and associated 3 metre high perimeter fencing and netting; 5) the construction of a part one, part two storey multipurpose sports hall (1,467 sq. m.); 6) the construction of a hard landscaped courtyard for St Paul's College between the college and the proposed sports hall; 7) the provision of 20 no. car parking spaces and 3 no. coach parking spaces along the sides of the existing internal access road to the south of St Paul's College; 8) the construction of a residential development comprising 381 no. units - 107 no. houses (29 no. three bedroom (2 no. 2 storey detached; 8 no. 3 storey semi-detached; 19 no. 3 storey terraced) and 78 no. four bedroom houses (30 no. 3 storey detached; 20 no. 3 storey semi-detached; 18 no. 3 storey end-of-terrace; 10 no. 3 storey terraced) and 274 no. apartments (51 no. one bedroom; 174 no. two bedroom; and 49 no. three bedroom) in 6 no. five storey blocks comprising ground floor with three storeys over plus penthouse with a basement providing 284 no. car parking spaces including 10 no. visitor spaces and electric car parking/charging spaces, 292 no. cycle parking spaces, refuse storage areas and plant areas and balconies and terraces on each elevation at first to fourth floor levels) - two public open spaces (total 4,534 sq. m.) and 5 no. ESB substation/switchroom buildings; and 9) all other site development works above and below the ground including internal access roads and footpaths, bicycle parking, bin storage, incidental open space and landscaping and surface water attenuation facilities required to facilitate the proposed development. An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) will be submitted to the Planning Authority with the application, and the EIS will be available for inspection or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy during office hours at the offices of the Planning Authority.
Last date for observations – Thursday 21st January 2016 (before 4.30)
***Lands at St. Paul’s Swimming Pool Site***
Application no. 4242/15
Full Development Description
Planning permission for development at this site 0.68 hectares site at No. 1, 1A and 1B (and lands to the rear of same) Sybil Hill Road, Raheny, Dublin 5, a site bounded by St. Paul’s School to the south, Sybil Hill Road to the west, The Meadows residential development to the East and North and the Kare Social Services Centre to the north. The development will consist of: The demolition of 3 no habitable dwellings at 1, 1A and 1B Sybil Hill Road, the erection of 76 no. dwellings consisting of; - 8 no. two storey terraced houses consisting of 1 no. 2 bed & 7 no. of 3 bed houses of between 124.3 & 138.3sq.m each; - 10 no. 1-bed apartments at between 54.9 & 62.9 sq.m each, 53 no. 2-bed apartments at between 77.1 & 99.6 sq.m, 5 no. 3-bed apartments at between 102.7 and 111.7 sq.m each, plus balconies and roof gardens, in two no. buildings varying in height from three to five storeys; - Crèche facility of 97.8 sq.m and associated play space on the ground floor of Block A; - Community/cafe of 132.8 sq.m and associated garden on the ground floor of Block A; - A basement car park containing 105 car spaces; - Boiler house, bin store, bicycle storage for 120 bicycles and ancillary facilities; - The closing of 4 no. existing site entrances and the creation of 2 no. new site entrances on Sybil Hill Road (a ramped entrance to the basement car park and a fire service and pedestrian entrance); - ESB substation and switch room facility on Sybil Hill Road; - Associated landscape works.
Last date for observations – Thursday 28th January 2016 (before 4.30)