Other S2S Works: Footpaths, Public Lighting, Car Park in St Annes, Tram Shelter etc

09 May 2017

S2S* works - Wooden Bridge to Causeway Road

Last week we informed residents of the “official launch” of the incomplete cycle track and detailed the safety concerns that prevented us from attending that launch. (Click here)

This is the second part in a series of updates on the current status of the S2S works on the Clontarf Road. This update addresses some of the “associated works” and also the water main aspect of the contract.  

We would like to reiterate that we are in favour of safe dedicated cycling facilities and the provision of appropriate flood defences. We will continue to work with DCC with a view to resolving all of the outstanding issues with these works. We look forward to genuine completion of this project.  

Public Lighting

This element of the works involves installation of a new energy efficient public lighting system located on the sea side of the road and removal of the old public lighting system. Unfortunately, while the new lighting columns are in place they are not operational as they are not yet connected to the electricity supply. Furthermore, the old lighting columns cannot be removed until the new lighting is commissioned.


Another positive aspect of this project was the installation of over 4km of new footpaths divided between the land and sea sides of these works.  These footpaths are not complete. In some instances, old lighting columns that are due to be removed have been set into the new paths. These columns will have to be removed and the paths either repaired or re-laid. In other cases the old columns have been set in a section of tarmac. This will make their removal easier. It will also give a better finish as rather than repair the new footpath a complete section of concrete will be laid. 


There are four stakeholders – DCC Traffic, DCC Public Lighting, Irish Water and Dublin Bus - looking for connections to the electricity supply. Between them, there are 16 applications to be submitted to the ESB. According to our most recent information, only nine of these have been received by the ESB. The ESB will only schedule the work when all 16 applications are received.  It is unacceptable that at this late stage of the project there is no date for when the electricity will be connected.

Carpark in St. Anne's Park

The old carpark in St Anne’s Park was used as the builder’s compound during these works and was to be reinstated at the end of the job. We welcome the fact that work has commenced on removing the contractor’s cabinets and developing the new carpark. We have no date as to when this will be completed and the carpark will be reopened.  

Parking Bays

As a result of the reduction in carriageway width, there is virtually no on-street car parking in the vicinity of the houses.  In order to promote more efficient use of the spaces that are available, DCC agreed to mark out the parking bays in individual spaces rather than as one continuous space. These markings were included in the bays alongside the Park but have not yet been included in the other parking bays. There is no date for when this will be undertaken.  

Tram Shelter

Many in Clontarf were disappointed with the “renovation” work on the Tram Shelter and the lack of consultation – see our recent post here.  DCC have asked that people take the time to see how the shelter looks and functions now that it is completed. DCC have agreed to review the shelter if, after it is finished and opened for a few months, the feedback is negative. DCC also agreed to retain some of the salvaged bricks so that they could be used for repairs if any are needed.  

The feedback we have received most recently, leaving aside the loss of the historic elements of the building, have been largely positive.  

You may be aware that sections of the original tram lines and cobbles were uncovered during these works. At that time, we asked DCC to include a sample of the tracks and cobbles in the vicinity of the shelter.  We are delighted that this has been done.  

While work on the replica shelter has finished, the paving around it is not complete.

Resurfacing Defects

The James Larkin Road/Clontarf Road was closed in 3 sections on a 24-hour basis for a total of eight weeks from 10th October until 3rd December 2016 for resurfacing works. These closures had a significant impact on residents, businesses and commuters.  Residents and businesses then received a letter advising them of further road closures to repair defects in this resurfacing work.  We met with Roadstone to get precise details of these works and shared this information on loveclontarf.ie. These works did not get the go-ahead from DCC and have now been delayed further. There is still no date for when the resurfacing repairs will begin.


During the course of these works, a number of issues between road and footpath levels have arisen. This has resulted in ponding at many of the driveways and junctions in this area. DCC hope that some of these issues will be addressed during the resurfacing repair work and propose leaving the remaining issues to be covered as part of the snagging post completion. As there is no date for completion we, therefore, have no date for snagging. It is, in fact, arguable as to whether the contractor would even agree that these are snagging issues as opposed to design issues. Unfortunately, this does not give us any confidence that the matter will be addressed.

Incomplete Water Main

The water main chamber works on the Promenade and at the Causeway Road are ongoing and have been for some months now. This has caused difficulties for pedestrians and cyclists alike.  Again there is no date as to when this work will be completed and the ground reinstated.  

*S2S – Sutton to Sandycove – a plan to provide 22km of continuous cycle track and promenade around Dublin Bay