CRA Updated Info on S2S Works - Closures extended and Sea Wall Height

24 Nov 2016

Below is a brief update from the Clontarf Residents' Association on some of the key issues relating to the S2S works that were discussed at their AGM which took place on Tuesday 22nd November. We would urge all residents to read the following and please share this information with anyone who may not be active online, including elderly relatives and neighbours.

Road Closures

The current road closure from Dollymount Ave to the junction of Clontarf Road and Kincora Road (i.e. just past the Wooden Bridge at Kinara) was due to end at Midnight on Sunday 27th November.

The contractor has applied for a five-day extension to this road closure. This means that while the reopening of the road is imminent it may not happen until Saturday 3rd December.

We are clearly disappointed that the original deadline has not been met. We have impressed on DCC that the contractor needs to do everything in his power to get the work completed as soon as possible and they are looking into what options are available to them. This may mean that the contractor will have to undertake noisy work later into the night including up until 11pm – which is in accordance with conditions attaching to the road closure permit.

The majority of residents who have been in touch with us have expressed the view that they will continue to put up with the disruption with a view to getting the work over with as quickly as possible. We would like to thank everyone for their continued cooperation with the workers in what is a very difficult situation for all concerned.

The 130 bus route will remain diverted until the road is reopened. Click here for details of this diversion.

Work Schedule and Completion Dates

We have received a number of queries in relation to the work schedule and completion dates for the project. When the current road closures are over the carriageway will be reopened, however, the cycle track and the sea side footpath will not be completed. Our understanding is that it will be at least the end of January before these aspects of the work are completed and opened for use. This means that all of the normal traffic and all of the cyclists will be using the two 3m wide lanes. We have expressed our concerns for the safety of all road users to DCC. They do not share those concerns and have told us that they are satisfied that the road will be safe.

A more detailed works schedule for November and December is available here A schedule of works to the end of February 2017 – the date by which the works are due to be completed - is awaited.

Height of Sea Wall

The height of the sea wall opposite St Anne’s Park is a serious concern for many people and you will be aware that DCC have agreed that it can be reduced by 300mm. The blue line on the new wall indicates the agreed finished height of that wall. DCC are of the view that they need a Part 8

Planning Permission in order to carry out the reduction in wall height. They hope to have that planning application ready next February and expect to carry out the work to reduce the height of the wall in June or July 2017. Again, we are disappointed that this is taking so long to complete and we are looking to our Councillors to ensure that DCC meet this deadline.

We will be continuing to engage with DCC, KN and our local Councillors about the S2S works. If there are issues or concerns not covered that you would like us to address or you have any feedback on these plans please email us at