Household Charge - Latest Information from Clontarf Residents' Association
Whatever you might think of the household charge itself, there are clearly difficulties being experienced by people in relation to finding out information about it and accessing the required forms.
The Clontarf Residents' Association (CRA) have been contacted by several members looking for advice and assistance.
In particular, there appears to be an online bias in terms of the registration process and while this may not be a problem to readers of, there are many of our fellow residents that are not internet users.
The CRA have been in contact with Dublin City Council, the Department of the Environment, Citizens Information and An Post. The plan was to try and make forms locally available to residents. Up to now, the forms have been made available to local libraries but there isn't one in Clontarf.
The latest update from this morning is that the Dept of the Environment has committed to supplying all local post offices with copies of the form from next Tuesday.
You can also call 1890 357 357 for more information.