Heritage 2030 | DCC Information Evening
Heritage 2030 is a new national heritage plan. On Tuesday 19th February from 17:30 to 19:00 in Raheny Library, DCC are holding a drop in Information Session with Charles Duggan, Heritage Office and Cormac Moore, Historian-in-Residence, to inform people about Heritage 2030, give information on how to participate in the public consultation process, and, advise on the preparation of a submission.
“ whatever your heritage interest is, whether in our flora, our fauna, our castles, our parks,
our historic buildings or our lakes, bogs and skies, “
CRA would encourage you to attend this session and consider making a submission.
Submissions can be made by email to heritageireland2030@chg.gov.ie or in writing to Heritage 2030 Public Consultation, Custom House, Dublin 1, D01 W6XO.
Members of the public can also participate via an online survey (survey monkey).
Alternatively, residents can share their views with us by email to clontarf.res.assoc@gmail.com and we will include them in our submission.
The closing date for the public consultation is 28th February 2019.