Help Sandymount and Merrion Residents' Association
Notice from Clontarf Residents' Association
We have received a request for help from our Sandymount & Merrion Residents’ Association (S.A.M.R.A.) with whom we have worked for many years. They have supported our efforts to protect the bay by opposing the Gas Cavern proposal, the 52 Acres etc. We urge our members to support this appeal from them by reading their information below and if possible making a donation to their fighting fund.
Dublin Bay Sewage Outfall
Following the Supreme Court decision permitting Sandymount and Merrion Residents Association to bring a judicial review challenge to the planned €270m Ringsend sewage plant extension and 9km outfall tunnel to discharge secondary treated effluent into Dublin Bay, the High Court case is listed for 22nd inst and is expected to last for several days
The extended plant would cater for the major amount of sewage waste from the six local authority areas of greater Dublin Region, which includes Dun Laoghaire/Rathdown, Fingal and part of Kildare and Meath. The tunnel is planned to last for 100years having an inner diameter of 5to 6 metres. The downshaft is planned to have a diameter of 20 metres to allow for the lowering of the tunnel boring machine into a depth of 70metres. An additional shaft is to be drilled at the outfall site in Dublin bay, on a line roughly between Howth and Dalkey, for a diffuser to discharge the secondary treated effluent into sea. The outfall site is directly within, or adjacent to, a special area of conservation declared by the Minister on December 3rd last year after An Bord Pleanala granted permission for tunnel on November 16th 2012.
The estimated quantity of rock spoil from the tunnel and other material to be disposed of its stated as 370,000 cubic metres over a two and a half year period.
The Supreme Court decision was reported in the daily newspapers on Friday October 11th inst. Further information is sub judice by reason of the forthcoming High Court case.
Sandymount and Merrion has already expended a very large sum of money to get to this point and is in need of support.
Donations can be sent to Sandymount Residents Association Legal Fund, Account No. 2302038 - Sort Code 933600, at AIB Sandymount Branch, 98 Sandymount Road Dublin 4.