Gracefield Road to Vernon Avenue Walking & Cycling Scheme - CRA Survey

14 Jun 2023

The below is an update from Clontarf Residents Association in relation to the Gracefield Road to Vernon Avenue Walking and Cycling Scheme

We received a number of suggestions about the proposed Gracefield Road to Vernon Avenue Walking and Cycling Scheme in response to last week’s post.  Please complete our short survey to give us your views on these suggestions.  The survey will close on Monday 19th June 2023.

We would also like to clarify a few points in relation to the Scheme. 

Right-hand turns onto the Howth Road from Brookwood Ave and Sybil Hill Road will still be allowed under this proposal.  However, the right-hand turning lanes will be removed.  This will mean that all vehicles will queue in a single traffic lane.  The lights will continue to be sequenced so as to allow vehicles going straight through the junction or turning left or right to proceed at the same time. 

The proposal at present stops just beyond Seafield Road and does not go as far as the Clontarf Road via the narrower part of Vernon Ave.

Full details of the proposal, including maps, drawings and information on how to provide feedback directly to DCC can be found at

We will be making observations on this proposal and we would welcome your feedback be email to