Free Family Activities at North Bull Island UNESCO Biosphere

06 Mar 2014

Dublin City Council is  celebrating RAMSAR International World Wetlands   on  March 8th and 9th ,  by holding FREE  family  -friendly  activities  in  the  wetlands in our Parks. Under Irish Law, Wetlands are areas of habitat containing water, whether natural or artificial , permanent or temporary , static or flowing , fresh , brackish, or marine. Wetland habitat types in Ireland are typically marsh, swamp, bog, fen, turlough, lagoons, salt marshes, estuaries and wet woodlands.

Our wetlands in Dublin are very special and some are of European importance for wildlife.  We enjoy their many benefits -   as a natural resource which provide  food , fibre, fuel ,  clean water, soil , storm and flood protection ,  a refuge for wildlife and a place of recreation and  learning.   The most important wetlands in Dublin City are in Dublin Bay at North Bull Island UNESCO Biosphere and Sandymount Strand – both are designated by the RAMSAR International Treaty on Wetlands.

The Lord Mayor's Representative will launch world wetland day at North Bull Island Interpretative Centre at 12 noon.

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