Free Electrical Recycling Day Tesco Clarehall, Next Saturday

24 Jan 2012

Dublin City Council logoDo you have any household electrical appliance (with plug or battery) that you would like to dispose of? You can do so next Saturday 28th January at Tesco Car Park, Clarehall between 10am and 4pm. This service can, of course, be availed of by residents of Clontarf.

This is organised by Dublin City Council & WEEE (Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment) Ireland

Any household electrical appliance with a plug or a battery will be accepted free of charge for example:
Video Players, Game consoles,Microwaves,IT Equipment,Dishwashers,Power Tools, Fluorescent Tubes, Battery Operated Toys, All Batteries, Kettles, TVs, and many more....

Other Free Electrical Recycling Days will be organised throughout the year and we will let you know about their location, dates and times.