Flood Defence Workshop today
The joint CBA/CRA committees have just kicked off a day long workshop today in an effort to restart the process to secure a viable flood defence solution for Clontarf.
The workshop involves presentations from Dublin City Council, the CRA/CBA group as well as invited experts. The workshop is being independently chaired by George Ryan.
The day is divided into three modules:
- Module 1 seeks to achieve a shared understanding of the flood risk for Clontarf
- Module 2 looks at funding sources for capital schemes and project procedures applying to any funding.
- Module 3 involves the identification of nature and quality of receiving environment and the identification of consequences of future flood relief works.
There are 11 officials from Dublin City Council in attendance and 11 representatives from the CRA/CBA group, many of whom are taking time out from busy schedules to support this campaign. Local councillor, Damian O'Farrell is attending the full workshop while Councillors Deirdre Heney and Nial Ring were also there this morning.
We will have more details after the meeting.
The full agenda for today can be downloaded here.
Thanks to everyone who completed the recent survey!!