Flood Defence Project - Wooden Bridge to Causeway Road

06 Jan 2012

EIS photo dolllymount to causewayYou may have read in the papers about a new approval being issued by An Bord Pleanala (ABP) in relation to a flood defence scheme in Clontarf.

This scheme is independent of the Alfie Byrne Road to Wooden Bridge proposal. It is for the stretch of coast that begins at the Wooden Bridge to the Causeway Road. This stretch is approximately 1.9km long.

The aim of this scheme is to provide higher quality pedestrian and cycling facilities, as part of the S2S scheme, and to protect the adjoining properties from the risk of coastal flooding.

The design methodology proposed for this section entails the construction of a new cycle and pedestrian path that cantilevers out from the sea side of the existing sea wall. It will include viewing platforms and benches.

You can view a gallery of the images used in the EIS

In addition, here are some of the key documents which are available for download.

What are your thoughts on the scheme? Please let us know by email or by adding your comment below.