Finian McGrath, TD asks about Dublin Bay at Taoiseach's question time
In the Dail last week, TD for Dublin North Central, Finian McGrath raised a question for the Taoiseach in relation to the proposed infill plans for Dublin Bay that have been put forward by Dublin Port Company.
Here's a summary of the 'question' which had many strands to it:
- Does the Taoiseach accept the principle that Dublin Bay belongs to the people of Dublin and Ireland, not just the port company?
- Does he agree that the bay needs to be preserved and that filling in 40 ha. of land would constitute environmental vandalism, particularly when the Dublin Port Company does not need the land?
- Is he aware of the anger expressed about the master plan launched by the serving Minister at the Cabinet, Deputy Leo Varadkar, despite the fact that the stated policy position of both Government parties before the general election was that no further infill of the bay would be supported?
- Does he accept that the late Seán Dublin Bay Loftus and groups such as Dublin Bay Watch and the Clontarf Residents Association have spent the last 30 years fighting with Governments, City Hall and the Dublin Port Company to preserve and protect Dublin Bay and won that battle?
- With regard to the retention of employment, is the Taoiseach aware of the thousands of people who use Dublin Bay and walk on the sea front and the major impact this infill would have on local small businesses such as coffee shops, pubs and restaurants?
- What about the further potential of marine tourism and leisure destinations?
- Does the Taoiseach agree that Dublin Bay is a valuable natural resource and amenity and that filling in 40 ha. of it with rock, concrete and steel would seriously damage this asset?
To read the full text of the submission together with the Taoiseach's response, please click here.