FAQ list re Clontarf Water Issue - provided by Dublin City Council
We've received the following set of FAQs from Dublin City Council in relation to the water issue.
If you have any further questions or comments please add them at the bottom.
Q: Can water now be used?
A: · Drinking - Water can now be used for drinking once it is boiled before use. (We advise caution when using boiling water)· Cooking - Water can now be used for Cooking once it is boiled before use. (We advise caution when using boiling water)· Showering - Water can be used for showering
· Washing Dishes - Water can be used for dish washing
· Washing Clothes – Water can be used for clothes washing (caution advised if your incoming water is discoloured)
Q: When should I expect the next update from Dublin City Council?
A: Daily updates will be available for as long as the problem persists. More frequent updates will be made if the anything changes in the intervening period. Dublin City Council’s website (www.dublincity.ie ) and Aertel (Pg 629) will have the latest information or it can be obtained by contacting our Customer Services Section on, 01 2222222, from 9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday or 01 6796186 outside of these times.
Q: When will I know that the issue has been resolved?
A: All properties in the affected area (St Lawrence’s DMA) will receive an individual notice when the problem has been resolved. The information will also be on the DCC’s Website (www.dublincity.ie ) and on Aertel (Pg 629), or it can be obtained by contacting our Customer Services Section on, 01 2222222, from 9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday or 01 6796186 outside of these times. A Press Release will also be issued, so local media may also carry the information.
Q: How will I be notified that the issue has been resolved?
A: All properties in the affected area (St Lawrence’s DMA) will receive an individual notice when the problem has been resolved. The information will also be on the DCC’s Website (www.dublincity.ie ) and on Aertel (Pg 629), or it can be obtained by contacting our Customer Services Section on, 01 2222222, from 9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday or 01 6796186 outside of these times. A Press Release will also be issued, so local media may also carry the information.
Q: Will mobile tankers be available at all times during this problem?
A: Tankers will be available in the Area for as long as the problem persists. For locations and times, see DCC’s website (www.dublincity.ie), Aertel (Pg 629), or it can be obtained by contacting our Customer Services Section on, 01 2222222, from 9am – 5pm, Monday to Friday or 01 6796186 outside of these times.
Q: I live beside the infected area, but my street is not listed, can you guarantee that my water is safe to drink?
A: All sampling results to date from neighbouring areas have been clear and confirm that the problem is limited to the St Lawrence’s DMA. We will continue to sample in these area’s and any change to this will be communicated to the area’s involved.
Q: I did not find out about this until this morning, but the problem arose on Thursday. Why did it take so long to let people know about this?
A: As part of our routine water quality monitoring a possible problem was indicated with the water supply on Castle Ave on Thursday and this was communicated to the properties involved on Friday. Further follow up samples were taken on Friday and Saturday and following consultation with the HSE on Sunday afternoon the HSE requested, as a precaution, that an advisory notice be issued immediately to all approx. 1400 properties in the entire St Lawrence’s DMA. This advisory notice was delivered by hand to all 1400 properties late on Sunday by Water Services Division staff. We also updated the Dublin City Council website on Sunday night with the information and the map and provided a message on the Dublin City Council Emergency/After Hours number advising of the situation.