Extension of 30kmph Speed Limits

15 Apr 2021
Residents will recall that a 30kmph speed limit was introduced throughout most of Clontarf in 2018, with a limit of 50kmph applying to Clontarf Road, Seafield Road, Castle Ave, Vernon Ave and Sybil Hill.  

Dublin City Council has been continuing to expand this reduction in speed limits across the city.  Last summer they proposed that all roads would automatically have a 30kmph speed limit and that said speed limit could only be changed by specifying a variation to this limit in the Speed Bye-Laws. No variations to the 30kmph were proposed for Clontarf at that time. This proposal was not passed by the Council.  

DCC is again proposing that all roads will automatically have a 30kmph, with certain roads specifically designated at 80, 60, 50 and 40kmph.  Under these new proposals, all roads in Clontarf would be 30kmph with the exception of the Clontarf Road which is to be designated at 40kmph.  

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A non-statutory public consultation on this matter is currently open and it runs until Friday 23rd April. You can make your views known to DCC by completing the online survey or by making a submission. Full details can be found by following this link: https://consultation.dublincity.ie/traffic-and-transport/30km-h-survey/.  

CRA will be making a submission on this matter and we would welcome your views, by email to clontarf.res.assoc@gmail.com, so that we can include them in our observations.  
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