Dublin Harbour Capital Dredging Project
The Dublin Port Company (DPC) intend to apply for a Foreshore Licence and a Dumping at Sea Permit to enable them to carry out capital dredging of the navigation channel, basins and berthing pockets in Dublin Port, as provided for in the Dublin Port Masterplan 2040, reviewed 2018. Due to the proximity of the area being dredged to Natura 2000 site an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and a Nature Impact Statement (NIS) will be required.
A short description of the proposal and drawings showing the affected locations are linked at the buttons below.
The Port Company are seeking feedback on the proposal and are also trying to identify any specific issues that they ought to address in their applications.
If you have any views on this issue please email us at clontarf.res.assoc@gmail.com by Thursday 29th October so that we can incorporate your feedback into our response. If anyone has particular interest or expertise in this area that they would like to share with the committee please get in touch.