Dublin City Council Halloween Safety Media Release

22 Oct 2015


*The following is a media releases from Dublin City Council and Dublin Fire Brigade regarding Halloween Safety*

 Be Safe - Stay Safe Halloween Campaign - Dublin fire Brigade Launch

An tArdmhéara Críona Ní Dhálaigh recently launched Dublin Fire Brigade’s Halloween Safety Campaign, ‘Be Safe Stay Safe’, at the Dublin Fire Brigade HQ on Monday 19th October. 

Dublin Fire Brigade is liaising with Dublin Bus, An Garda Siochana and the DSPCA informing young people about the dangers of illegal bonfires and fireworks.  The campaign is part of Dublin City Council’s Halloween Response Programme which includes a programme of family-friendly community events and a preventive programme of removing stockpiled bonfire materials.

An tArdmhéara Críona Ní Dhálaigh said “I want to encourage everyone to enjoy Halloween safely this year. Each year we see the trauma suffered by families through injuries caused by illegal bonfires and fireworks. These illegal activities can have devastating and life changing consequences.  Faraor, ní thuigtear chomh tromchúiseach is atá na himpleachtaí sin go dtí go dtarlaíonn timpiste. Dublin City Council organises safe, family friendly events in communities all over the city and I encourage everybody to act sensibly and come along and enjoy these events in a safe environment.”

Pat Flemming, Chief Fire Officer, Dublin Fire Brigade says “Halloween night is one of the busiest nights of the year for Dublin Fire Brigade. I would advise people to exercise common sense.  Adults in particular are requested to keep a watchful eye on the very young, the very old, and the vulnerable members of our society.  I would call on all parents to remind their children that Fire fighters and other Emergency Service personnel are there to protect them and their property and ensure the safety of the public. It is a fun night and should be enjoyed by all. KeepChildren away from bonfires, keep bonfires away from buildings, keep away from illegal fireworks, keep it organised, keep it fun and most of all keepit safe"

A fire safety DVD, made by Dublin Fire Brigade, is available for viewing via YouTube at http://bit.ly/firesafetydvd . Dublin City Council and Dublin Fire Brigade will be using the hashtags #DubSafeHalloween and #FireSafety on social media over the Halloween period.

Dublin Fire Brigade will be tweeting safety messages on both Twitter and Facebook @dubfirebrigade   www.facebook.com/dubfirebrigade