Dublin Array Offshore Wind Farm Project: Online Consultation Closing
The Clontarf Residents Association would like to remind readers that the online consultation for the Dublin Array Offshore Wind Farm Project is closing on Friday, November 20th.
If you haven’t had a chance to review the plans check them out on www.dublinarray.com. Here you can read all about the project and see online photomontages and images depicting the potential view of the wind farm from a number of locations along the coast.
The CRA would encourage residents to visit the site and familiarise themselves with the project. They would welcome your views by email to clontarf.res.assoc@gmail.com so that they can include them in their response.
The CRA has noted that we are very fortunate that a resident with technical engineering expertise in this area has offered their services to us. If there was a marine ecologist or someone else with specific environmental expertise in this field who was willing to offer their time and expertise also, they would love to hear from you.