Dublin Action Plan for Jobs - Consultation with local businesses
The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Mr Richard Bruton, TD, intends to hold a Dublin Action Plan for Jobs event, to consult with Dublin businesses. The event takes place on Monday 16th April in Clontarf Castle.
The purpose of the event will be to allow business owners to outline the Government's approach to rebuilding the economy and to hear the views and ideas of business people on what support they need to protect existing jobs and to create new jobs. The discussion and ideas generated will feed into the Action Plan for Jobs 2013.
Everyone must RSVP in advance. The link to register is available here: https://www.eventsforce.net/enterpriseireland/439/register
Registration will take place between 7.30-8AM and tea / coffee will be served. The main event will run from 8-9.30AM.
The Clontarf Business Association expect to have a very strong presence at this event and are calling on all members to attend.