DCC Litter Management Plan Review

05 Mar 2015


Dublin City Council is reviewing its current Litter Management Plan with the intention of developing a new plan for the period 2016-2018.

As the first stage in the preparation of a new plan, the Council is inviting interested bodies and members of the public to submit their views and ideas on all aspects of litter management in the city centre and surrounding suburbs and how a new Litter Management Plan might best be implemented and developed.

The existing plan can be viewed on the Dublin City Council website.

Some of the key current issues include:

  • Street Cleaning
  • Dumping
  • Litter Bins
  • Dog fouling
  • Graffiti
  • Illegal posters

Written submissions can be posted to:

Executive Manager, Dublin City Council,
Waste Management Services,
Environment and Transportation Department,
68/70 Marrowbone Lane,
Dublin 8

Alternatively submissions can be emailed to littermanagementplan@dublincity.ie before 17.00hrs on Tuesday 31st March 2015. All submissions should be clearly marked "Review of Litter Management Plan."