Current status of the campaign against the flood defence

20 Nov 2011

Clontarf Flood wall information sessionsWe have now completed three of our five information sessions in relation to the flood defence scheme. There has been a very large turnout so far and all sessions have been busy.

The CBA/CRA do not have the same resources available to them as DCC and we have been relying on our loyal volunteers so show people our information and also to let people know where we are. Overall, we are delighted with the reaction to our information sessions and we would like to thank everyone for their support.

The key focus for us now is to get as many more people as possible to our final information sessions but more importantly to encourage as many people as possible to get a submission into DCC and also to talk to their local councillors to impress upon them our opposition to this plan. We do not want the promenade split in two. The amenity will be destroyed and the safety of the promenade and the surrounding areas will be greatly undermined.

Our photo shows today's session in Clontarf Rugby Club. We would like to thank Rory Ryan at the rugby club for arranging the use of the venue at short notice.

Please visit our campaign page for more information and details on submissions.