Culture Night 2015 @ Manresa House
As part of Culture Night 2015, Manresa Jesuit Centre of Spirituality will host a lecture about the history of the house and it’s grounds - “The many lives of Baymount Castle: the history of a Dollymount house”
This event will take place on Friday September 18th at 7:30PM. however limited access to the house will be allowed to early visitors from 5PM.
Manresa is a building which in 250 years of occupency, has been known variously as Granby Hill, Baymount Castle and Manresa House will be the subject of a lecture, “The Many lives of Baymount Castle: The History of a Dollymount House”, buy local historian Bernadine Ruddy at 7:30 PM.
The castle has been home to a diverse group of residents, at different times housing a Church of Ireland Bishop, a Catholic Girls’ School and a boys’ boarding school. It’s current residents - a Jesuit Community - are the longest continuous occupants of this interesting property since it was leased by George Vernon in 1763.
This event is completely free, and if you would like to find out more information see, call 01 833 1352, or email .