CRA Update re: S2S Bull Bridge to Causeway Interim Works

06 Jul 2016

The following is an update from the Clontarf Residents' Association regarding the S2S Bull Bridge to Causeway Road Interim Works;

The response to the proposed lower section of the sea wall opposite St. Anne’s Park has been generally positive. Thanks to all those who have been back in touch with us with their views.

During the works some of the old tram lines were uncovered. Archaeologists have been on site. Details of the lines were recorded and the rails and the setts have now been removed. They have been retained on site for future use.

DCC have provided us with a schedule of works for the month of July and which is available at the following link; S2S Cycleway Plans for July . We hope to get a similar schedule each month for the remainder of the project.

In the meantime we are continuing to liaise with DCC regarding the other issues – the lane widths, lack of inbound bus stops, parking, double yellow lines, working hours etc.

Clontarf Residents' Association