CRA Update on Judicial Review @ St. Paul's/St. Annes
As you will be aware Clontarf Residents’ Association and I Love St Anne’s have been actively involved in the campaign to prevent development on the St Paul’s playing fields and to protect these lands going forward.
Yesterday we lodged papers in the High Court seeking a judicial review of the most recent ABP decision to grant permission for development on these playing fields. Our case was due to be heard on Friday.
Another group, Louth Environmental, who were involved in the previous case, had also lodged Judicial Review proceedings in this case.
We have, this evening, received a letter from the Board’s solicitors stating that
“The Board has decided not to oppose the application for judicial review in the Conway case on the basis that the Board failed to conduct an appropriate assessment in accordance with the requirements of the Habitats Directive.”
The matter is “listed for further Directions tomorrow 28 May 2020”
This is good news indeed in terms of our ongoing campaign to prevent development on these lands.
We will provide a further update on the matter following tomorrow’s hearing.
Clontarf Residents’ Association
I Love St Anne’s