CRA | Update on Clontarf Prom Development and Flood Defence

25 Jan 2019


Update on Clontarf Promenade Development & Flood Defence project

Back in 2010, it was proposed that from Alfie Byrne Road to the Bull Wall, a water-main would be laid in the centre, along the surface, of the promenade and covered with an earthen mound to provide a flood defence that would protect the properties along this stretch of coast against a 1-in-200 year event.  That plan was rejected and since then we have represented the community on the Clontarf Promenade Development and Flood Defence Joint Working Group alongside a multi-disciplinary team from Dublin City Council.

In recent months, our local area councillors – Deirdre Heney, Jane Horgan Jones, Sean Paul Mahon, Damian O’Farrell, Ciaran O’Moore and Naoise O’Muiri - have joined this working group and together we aim to find a design solution that will preserve the amenity, protect the environment, and provide a flood defence, without compromising public safety.

At last October’s AGM, we presented DCC’s current proposal and you can read a summary of this proposal here.  DCC’s Option 2 is to construct a wall between the cycle track and the path.  The height varies, depending of the height of the land above sea-level.  A preview of a video showing the impact of this wall was shown at the meeting.  This video is currently being finalised and will be made public once complete.

DCC is proposing to seek planning approval for Option 2 using a Part 10 planning process, which goes directly to An Bord Pleanála and does not require prior approval by elected councillors. 

At the November Dublin North Area Committee for our councillors, there were two motions related to this issue.  The first, from Cllr Jane Horgan Jones, called on the City Manager to “commit formally, and in writing, to requiring any final proposal on a flood defence scheme for this area to be democratically approved by the full Council meeting before proceeding with the project.”  The second, from Cllr Damian O’Farrell, required that, prior to submission to ABP, “the proposals first have to be approved by this local area Council.”  Both of these motions had the support of all six of our local councillors and were approved by the Area Committee.  However, so far, the City Manager has not given councillors a written commitment to a vote by the full Council.  Cllr Horgan Jones has started a petition seeking support for this motion.  We encourage you to sign this petition.

The next Joint Working Group meeting is scheduled for 29 January and we will provide a further update after that meeting.

We would welcome any views you would like to share with us –