CRA | Latest Update on St Paul's/St Anne's Proposed Development
Below is an update from the Clontarf Residents' Association regarding the Proposed Development of the St Paul's Playing Fields at St. Anne's.
The next stage in the planning process for this proposal is for the Planning Authority i.e. Dublin City Council (DCC) to submit a report of its Chief Executive i.e. Owen Keegan to An Bord Pleanála. This report is due next Monday, the 26th February.
We have already posted about the special Local Area Meeting at which
- all 15 Councillors went on record as opposed to the proposal, and
- our 6 Ward Councillors read an agreed statement of opposition on the record
You might like to email Owen Keegan at and remind him that the report should reflect our Councillors’ views clearly and unambiguously, and, that it should reflect the views of DCC as the Planning Authority in accordance with the approved City Development Plan.
The Board’s decision on this application is due on or before 23rd April 2018. We have to act now if we want to save these playing fields and prevent development in the Park.