CRA: Info on St Anne's Development/ Protest this Sunday!

26 Jan 2018

Note from Clontarf Residents’ Association

Proposed development on the St Paul’s playing fields in St Anne’s Park

The Special Meeting of the North Central Area Committee to discuss this matter took place last Wednesday the 24th of January.  Our six Ward Councillors issued a united statement opposing the proposed development.  This statement can be read here.  The webcast of the full meeting can be viewed here.  

We would like to remind everyone that there will be a 

Public Protest


Sunday 28th January at 12 noon 

meeting at

Entrance to St Anne’s Park on Sybil Hill Road

We need a big turn out if we are to send a clear message to developers that we will not accept large-scale housing development in our public parks.  

We would also encourage residents to submit observations on this application - both the number and the quality of the observations will make a difference.  Help with making an observation will be available at the protest meeting on Sunday.

Observations must be lodged with An Bord Pleanála not later than 5.30pm on 5th February and must be accompanied by a fee of €20.  There is no online facility. 

Clontarf Residents’ Association will be lodging an observation on this application.  We would welcome the views of residents, by email to, so that we can incorporate them into our observation.  

We have posted on this issue previously but for those that are not familiar with it please check out the developer’s website and the “I Love St. Anne’s” website and Facebook page here.