CRA | Info on Proposed Development @ St Anne's Park

19 Jan 2018


Note from Clontarf Residents’ Association

Proposed development on the St Paul’s playing fields in St Anne’s Park

There was a great turnout at last night’s public meeting about the latest application for a major housing development on the St. Paul’s playing fields in St Anne’s Park.  Well done to Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin for organising the meeting and to the other public representatives who attended – Deputies Tommy Broughan and Sean Haughey and Councillors Sean Paul Mahon, Damian O’Farrell, Ciaran O’Moore and Naoise O’Muiri.  It is encouraging that our elected representatives are all in agreement that this development needs to be stopped.  

The key points from last night’s meeting are:

1. There is a meeting of the Local Area Council next Wednesday morning the 24th of January.  The views expressed by these Councillors will form part of the Dublin City Council Chief Executive’s Report to An Bord Pleanála.  It is important that you let our six Ward Councillors and the other nine Area Councillors know your view on the proposal before that meeting.  Email contact details can be found here.

2. There will be a public protest about the development at 12 noon on Sunday 28th January.  The meeting point is the entrance to the St Anne’s on Sybil Hill Road beside St Paul’s school.  We need a big turn out if we are to send the message to developers that we will not accept large-scale housing development in our public parks.  

3. Observations on this application must be lodged with An Bord Pleanála not later than 5.30pm on 5th February  (reference number 300559/18) and must be accompanied by a fee of €20.  There is no online facility.  We would encourage as many people as possible to make observations on the matter – both the number and the quality of the observations will make a difference.  

Clontarf Residents’ Association will be lodging an observation on this application.  We would welcome the views of residents, by email to, so that we can incorporate them into our observation.  


For those that are not familiar with the issue, Crekav has lodged a further application to develop these lands.  This current application is for 536 dwellings comprising of 104 houses and 432 apartments in blocks up to 8 stories high plus underground parking for 434 cars and 864 bicycles.  Full details of the application are available on the developer’s website  

The “I Love St. Anne’s” group are continuing to lead the campaign against any residential development on the St. Paul’s playing fields which they believe should be protected as an integral part of the St. Anne’s demesne.  Check out their website here and facebook page here.

This application has been lodged with an Bord Pleanála as a Strategic Housing Development so the normal planning process through Dublin City Council will not apply.