CRA & I Love St Anne's Statement re St. Paul's/St. Anne's

28 May 2020

This morning in court An Bord Pleanála did indeed concede the judicial review of their most recent grant of permission for a large scale development on these playing fields. 

(If you missed yesterday’s post click here.)

The judge has put the matter back for two weeks to allow for legal arguments about the nature and terms of the Order.  The judge has also determined that our leave application for a judicial review should proceed tomorrow.  If granted leave we will continue to be a party to the case.

At the same time, in another court, the State’s action to Strike Out our case, seeking to have these lands designated as part of the North Bull Island Special Protection Area, on the grounds of delay is also being heard.  It is unfortunate that the State has chosen to argue about when we should have brought the case rather than deal with the fundamental issue of whether they ought to designate the lands and safeguard protected species and their habitats.  That case is due to conclude today.  We will advise you of the outcome as soon as we have a ruling.

We will provide a further update on the judicial review following tomorrow’s hearing. 

Clontarf Residents’ Association

I Love St Anne’s