CRA AGM 2016 Report

15 Dec 2016


The following is an update from the Clontarf Residents' Association following their 2016 AGM

Many thanks to all those who attended our AGM and came out to support your Committee.

We are delighted to say that a number of residents have volunteered to help out on their own road or to join the Committee. Thank you! We will be in touch with you shortly.

We would also like to acknowledge the work of four Committee members who have stepped down this year after many years of service – Eddie Carolan,  Jacinta Carson, Ailbhe Cullen and Antoinette O’Neill. They are all continuing as members of the Association and will be supporting the new committee from the side-lines. Many thanks for your valuable contribution over the years.

Without the Annual Subscription we would not be able to continue. Thank you to those who paid their Subscription on the night. For those who have not yet paid their Subscription - which is still only €10pa - you can do so via PayPal by clicking here or by dropping your subscription in an envelope clearly marked with your Name, Address, Email and Phone Number into Mc Cabe Auctioneers, 2A Vernon Avenue.

We are making a concerted effort to get email addresses for as many residents as possible. This will allow us to target emails at a particular area of Clontarf where there is something of particular relevance to that area. If you would like to be included in targeted emails please email with you name, address and phone number. Rest assured that we will not disclose your details to any third parties and will only use the information to contact you about issues relevant to your area.

For those residents who did not make the meeting here is a brief outline of the topics discussed.

Planning Issues

Residential Development in St Anne’s/St Paul’s Playing Fields

This application was withdrawn by the Developer after the closing date for observations and before the date for decision on the application. It is safe to say they have not gone away and that we must be ever vigilant in relation to proposals for these playing pitches. We would like to acknowledge all of the hard work and dedication of the team behind I Love St Anne’s who have lead the way in opposing this development. (Click here for more information.)

Clontarf Baths

Many of you will have noticed that some site clearance work has been undertaken on the Baths in recent months.  This was being undertaken as part of the existing planning permission for a restaurant and café bar on this site.  A new application for an increase of 37.7m2 in floor area has been lodged by the developer.  Full details of this application will be available on the DCC website under the reference number 4196/16.  The last day for observations on this application is 6th January 2017.

Causeway Road Part 8

Dublin City Council (DCC) have submitted a Part 8 application “for the regularization of car-parking on Causeway Road...”.  (Click here for more information.)  Based on the feedback received we have submitted observations on same.  Given our experience with the current Part 8 for the S2S works on the Clontarf Road we will be asking our Councillors to ensure they are fully aware of all of the proposals before they approve this Part 8.

Dublin Port – Alexandra Basin Redevelopment Project 

Dublin Port received Planning Permission from An Bord Pleanála in 2015 for the redevelopment of the Alexandra Basin.  Part of this redevelopment will include dredging in the Bay.  A Dumping at Sea Licence has now been granted by the Environmental Protection Agency.  The last thing needed in order for work to commence on this project is a Harbour Works Order from the Minister to allow the dredging.  The CRA had advocated for years that the Port should use their existing lands and this is what they are doing with this project.  For this reason, we lodged an observation expressing our concerns with certain aspects of the proposal but we did not oppose the application.

Flood Defences

Sutton to Sandycove (S2S) Works on Clontarf Road

As part of the Part 8 permission for these works DCC was required to establish an Environmental Monitoring and Liaison Committee (EMLC) to ‘provide for consultation in relation to community and environmental matters.’  This Committee was belatedly established and held its first meeting in December 2015 some 8 months after work commenced on site.  The CRA is represented on the EMLC.  

We have brought residents’ concerns to that Committee.  These concerns included long-term impacts of the scheme e.g. the flood defence wall, the loss of access to the lagoon with the closure of slipways, the demolition of the Tram Shelter, the safety concerns associated with the reduced width of the carriageway among other things.  Other short term or construction related concerns included the temporary loss of bus stops, lack of information in relation to the work programme, lack of advance notice in relation to road closures, serious curtailment of bus route during road closures etc. have also been brought to the EMLC.   

We have reached a compromise with DCC in relation to some of these concerns.  For example, DCC have agreed to reduce the height of the sea wall in front of St Anne’s Park and to provide a better finish to the new sea wall; and, they also agreed to retain the slipway opposite the Lodge in St Anne’s for egress.   

We are still waiting for information in relation to other concerns e.g. on the precise plans for the reinstatement of the Tram Shelter.  

In other areas we have not been successful.  We did not succeed in getting a shuttle bus service during the road closures.  We could not get agreement to break the current road closure into smaller sections e.g. at Seafield Road so that the impact on residents and businesses would be reduced.    

We are continuing to liaise with DCC and the contractor and to engage with the EMLC. 

Clontarf Promenade Joint Working Group

Following the community’s rejection of DCCs project for flood defences and the installation of watermain along the Promenade in 2012 a Joint Working Group (JWG) was established in 2013.  The JWG included representation from the CRA, the CBA and DCC executives from the North Central Area Office along with their colleagues with expertise in Engineering, Architecture and Landscape Architecture. 

The JWG agreed in 2014 that the least obtrusive strategy for protecting the area from coastal flooding would be to provide a primary line of defence at the existing sea wall and a secondary line of defence at the cycle track with the grass of the Promenade acting as a sump between the two.

During 2015 DCC commissioned research into the predicted height of flooding over the 3km stretch from tidal storms in Dublin Bay. Over the past year the JWG has met three times and DCC will be issuing the final heights for the defence at the cycle track (the sea wall is to remain as it is) shortly. Having seen preliminary reports on these heights it appears to us that, while in some locations the existing wall would only need to be increased by a small amount, in others locations the increase would be unacceptably high.

From the CRA perspective, no decision can be taken on any alterations to the Promenade without a full and open consultation with all stakeholders and community members. The CRA intend to undertake a public survey to establish a clearer understanding of the concerns of the community and on the course of action that would be acceptable to protect the area from flooding whilst preserving the wonderful amenity that is the Promenade.

Policing in Clontarf

We were very pleased to be joined by Sergeant Jim Clavin from Clontarf Garda Station and some of his colleagues.  Jim gave a brief update on crime in the area.  The most prevalent crimes in the area are burglaries, thefts from cars and theft of bikes.  Much of this crime is opportunistic in nature.  For example, many burglaries happen because a window or a door are left open, thefts from cars often occur because a valuable or potentially valuable item is left on display.  All residents are reminded of the need to be vigilant and to report any suspicious behaviour to Clontarf Garda on 01 666 4800.  Crime prevention advice was available after the meeting.  (Click here for further information.)  


There was one motion received in advance of the meeting. This related to dogs being off leash in St Anne’s Park outside of the permitted hours.  According to the DCC website “Dogs are allowed off lead up to 11.00am each day & for the last hour before official Park Closing Time. At all other times, dogs must be kept on a leash. There is a dedicated ‘Dog Park’ beside the Model Car track where dogs may be let off lead at all other times.”  The meeting agreed that representations would be made to DCC to request that this bye-law is enforced for the benefit of all park users. 



A number of residents raised issues relating to parking during the course of the meeting.  Sgt Clavin undertook to address these.  An audit of parking in the Clontarf area was suggested and the Committee undertook to look into this.  If you have any expertise in this area we would welcome hearing from you.  

Litter Collection

Clontarf is very fortunate to have a one-man voluntary litter collector by the name of Dave Gibson.   Dave collects litter on Vernon Avenue and along Clontarf Road as far as the Bull Bridge.


We also have a one man graffiti removal expert in the form of Mick O’Regan.  Mick removes graffiti from public utilities, litter bins, lighting poles etc. He works in and around the Blackheath and Vernon Ave areas of Clontarf.

Adopt a Street

Dave Doran spoke to the meeting about the Adopt a Street programme which is operated by DCC.  In essence the residents on a street agree to come out and clean their road on a particular day.  Cars are removed from the street for an agreed time and the street sweeper cleans the road.  DCC also assist the residents by providing litter bags, gloves, etc.  

The next Adopt a Street initiatives are scheduled as follows:

  • St Lawrence Rd      3rd Dec      10am – 12am
  • Hollybrook Rd        10th Dec   10am - 12am

If you live on either of those roads please join in and get involved.  If you would like to arrange this for your road pop down, have a look and talk to some of the organisers.

Tidy Towns

In order to access DCC funding for initiatives to enhance the area e.g. signage, flower beds, planters etc. we need to establish a Tidy Towns Committee.  

In essence a Tidy Towns Committee might bring all of these initiatives - litter collection, graffiti removal, street cleaning - together under one umbrella.  If anyone is doing similar work in their area or would like to get involved in establishing a Tidy Towns Committee, organising an Adopt a Street day for their road or helping with any of the clean-up initiatives please get in touch with us via email to