Copeland Grove Fortnightly Concerts!

04 Jun 2020

For the past 8 weeks, a wonderful group of residents on Copeland Grove in Clontarf have been organising concerts for their neighbours to keep spirits up during a time when we're being told to stay apart and missing our loved ones.

Every fortnight two families come together hooking up guitar and piano to amps, singing and playing ukelele and trumpet and more - up to 25 songs a night! Other families who play instruments have since joined in, and the road has seen 4 x concerts so far with more and more joining in each time. The group even featured on!

About 40-50 people turn up each fortnight. The audience of all ages enjoys the evening of music, while social distancing of course, and the residents who are over 70, watch from their front gardens or inside looking out with some neighbours chatting with them through window panes. Walkers coming through the lane a Copeland Grove have also gotten a great treat while out for their evening exercise.

There's no doubt that this pandemic has brought the Clontarf community closer in many ways. And to see pockets of residents get creative together and keep each other company is wonderful - they've also begun book swaps and sharing recipes too!

The group are looking forward to continuing this new tradition and can’t wait until they can throw a proper street party when restrictions are finally lifted!