Communication History between DCC and Representatives RE: Sea Wall

16 Dec 2015

The following information may be useful for anyone who may not be up to date with the communication processes that took place between Dublin City Council, Elected Representatives and the relevant representative bodies in Clontarf and Raheny regarding the Part 8 planning for the S2S Interim Cycleway and Footway Interim Project. 

The following document outlines a timeline of the communication which took place between these bodies since 2012. 

Many thanks to Cllr. Seán Haughey for providing us with the information. 

S2S Communications History

Pre Planning Consultation

The proposal was presented to the North Central Area Committee on 17th September 2012 and on 19th November 2012. 

Significant pre-planning discussion and consultation took place with all relevant stakeholders prior to the Part 8 planning process for this project.

The proposed S2S scheme was advertised on the Dublin City Council website and also in the Irish Times on Friday 14th December 2012. A total of 14 site notices were erected at key locations from just south of Wooden Bridge to just north of Causeway Road including at all major traffic junctions along that route.

Plans and particulars of the proposed scheme were available for public inspection for a six week period up to and including Monday 4th February 2013 at the following locations and times: 


  • Dublin City Council, Public Counter, Planning Department, Block 4, Ground Floor, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8, Monday-Friday 9.00am-4.30pm. 
  • Raheny Library, Howth Road, Dublin 5 between the hours of 10.00am-8.00pm Monday to Thursday, and 10.00am-5.00pm on Friday and Saturday. 
There was full engagement with the Clontarf Residents Association during the Part 8 process who kindly assisted in getting the information out to the local residents and also facilitated hosting the public information meeting. 

A public information meeting was held on Tuesday 15th January 2013 at 7.30pm in Belgrove Girls School Hall, Seafield Road. This meeting was hosted by the Clontarf Residents Association and was attended by circa 180 people. A follow-up meeting was also held at 3pm on Friday 10th May 2013 in Conference Room 2, Northside Civic Centre, Bunratty Road, Coolock, Dublin 17. The NTA and their project consultants Roughan & O’Donovan were present and dealt with any additional or new queries that had not been addressed in the already comprehensive consultation process. 

Members of the public were met on site at two meetings on 23rd April 2013. Representatives from DCC, the NTA and the design consultants were present. 

Planning approval was granted on Monday 13th May 2013 at The City Council Meeting. 

Letter / Email Communication 

Numerous phone calls from Public Representatives and members of the public were addressed by telephone. 

Update on S2S –Outline of Works due to commence on 27th April 2015 was circulated by e-mail to Public Representatives / residents on 24th April 2015 

A letter drop informing residents & business owners was distributed before the main construction works commenced. –John Hyland 

18th May 2015

Presentation on S 2 S at North Central Area Committee meeting

30th June 2015

E-mail to Public Representatives re breakdown of works due to commence 1st July 2015 

Clontarf Business Group, Killester Business Group, Raheny Business Group and were notified 

20th August 2015 

E-mail to Public Representatives re Traffic Management Plan 

Sutton to Sandycove tweet posted  

26th August 2015 

S 2 S Wall Height Update e-mail to Public Representatives were informed 

22nd October 2015 

All Public Representatives including TDs and Senators were informed by e-mail that an information meeting will take place on 5th November 2015.

This was facilitated on foot of an Emergency Motion submitted by Councillor Sean Haughey to the September 21st 2015 North Central Area Committee meeting. 

All Public Representatives were invited to submit queries and questions in advance so that the project team can endeavour to answer them on the day. 

30th October 2015 

A press release and a FAQ document was issued (hyperlink below ) to all Public Representatives including TD’s,Senators, MEP’’s ,Clontarf Residents Association, Clontarf Business Group and all media outlets 

These addressed queries submitted by Public Representatives in advance of the information meeting of 5th November 2015. 

For images/maps of the project please click here 

For a list of FAQs please click here 

Posted to the S2S webpage-Media Release, Frequently Asked Questions,Map Drawings, Comparison images and map added 

2nd November 2015 

Link below added to S2S webpage Wall%20Height%20Mock%20Up%20Rev%200.pdf 

Link forwarded to Clontarf .ie 

3rd November 2015 

Letter issued to The Chief Executive by Ms. Stephanie Regan with a petition of 460 physical signatures and 654 on line signatures. 4th November 2015 Direct reply issued to Ms. Regan by The Chief Executive’s Office. 

4th November 2015 

Link below added to S2S webpage vg%20Wall%20Heights%20November%202015.pdf 

5th November 2015 

E-mailed S2S presentation presented to Public Representatives at Information 

6th November 2015 

PDF indicating the section where the driver eye height is below the completed wall level – 460m. e- mailed to Public Representatives 

S2S presentation e-mailed to Clontarf Business Group ,Clontarf Residents Association, 

Presentation to Public Representatives on 5th November 2015 added to S2S webpage

Article forwarded to Northside People

10th November 2015

Report demonstrating sea level rise since 2000 to be 90mm emailed to Public Representatives 

11th November 2015 

Special City Council meeting re S2S 

12TH November 2015 

Copy of Motion from Special City Council meeting 11th November 2015 and copy of presentation circulated to Public Representatives by Chief Executives office 

Update provided to Councillors of actions that have been put in place in the interim to address the requirements of the motion. –Issued 1st December 2015 DW

16th November 2015

North Central November Area Committee meeting 

Area Manager provided an update on S2S. 

He asked the members to nominate their representative on the Liaison Committee and they agreed on Councillor Ciaran O'Moore.

With regard to the community representation there was very strong feeling that there should be more than 1 representative 

17TH November 2015 

Response issued to 60 e-mails which were received by The Chief Executive Office 

North Central Area Office issued e-mail replies with copy of media release ( issued 16th November 2015 ) copy of Presentation of S2S project which was presented to City Councillors at Special City Council meeting on 11th November 2015. 

Dublin City Council clarifies aspects of Flood Alleviation, Cycleway and Watermain works on Clontarf Promenade( webpage) 

19th November 2015 

Response issued to 21 Letters which were received by The Chief Executive Office 

North Central Area Office issued letter replies with copy of media release ( issued 16th November 2015) and advising link to Presentation of S2S project to City Councillors at Special City Council meeting on 11th November 2015. 

25th November 2015 

Request sent to following for nominee for Liaison Committee 

Email letter sent to Deirdre Tobin Clontarf Residents Association following phone call from Elaine Mulvenny 

Email letter sent to Karen Burrows – Clontarf Business Association following phone call from Elaine Mulvenny 

Letter sent to Rose Daly –Raheny Tidy Village Group 

26th November 2015 

Letter sent by post to Seamus Griffith (26/11/2015) Raheny Tidy Village Group. Elaine Mulvenny contacted them to advise them re letter. 

27th November 2015 

Update email to the Councillors in North Central concerning progress on establishing the environmental and monitoring and liaison committee for the Sutton to Sandy cove Cycleway and Footway Interim Works. 

1st December 2015 

*Update provided to the Councillors of actions that have been put in place in the interim to address the requirements of the motion. 

3rd December 2015 

Update provided to T’D’S of actions that have been put in place in the interim to address the requirements of the motion. 

Update provided by letter to residents ( 21 letters)/ Councillor Brabazon

Plus 62 e-mails ( Initial S2S Distribution List plus Ms. Stephanie Regan, Mr. John Morrissey ) 

7th December 2015 

Response issued to e-mails which were received by The Chief Executive Office (6th December 2015) from Save Our Seafront (SOS) 

North Central Area Office issued replies with copy of media release (issued16th November 2015) and copy of Presentation of S2S project made to City Councillors at Special City Council meeting on 11th November 2015 and copy of updated report circulated 1st December 2015 

cc to North Central Area Councillors 

*Report e-mailed to for uploading on their website, Clontarf Residents Association, Clontarf Business Association, 

Report e-mailed to Tim O’Sullivan –member of Liaison Committee 

Traffic Notice e-mailed to Elected Representatives regarding Lane Restrictions on Clontarf Road/James Larkin Road from Watermill Road Junction to Mount Prospect Junction 

8th December 2015 

Update by e-mail to Public Representatives notifying them that the chairperson for the Environmental Monitoring and Liaison Committee for the Sutton to Sandy cove Cycleway & Footway Interim Works will be Mr. George Ryan 

Update sent to S2S Distribution List ,