CoastalCleanup3zero | Every Sunday @ Causeway

21 Mar 2018

Coastal Cleanup 3zero is a weekly event organised by local man Jeffrey. On New Years Day 2018 he took his kids down the Causeway for a stroll noticed a huge amount of rubbish (Plastic bottles, shoes, sweet wrappers etc) washed up on the coast of the bird sanctuary. His kids remarked how dirty it was for the birds who live there. So the following day they decided to go down again and do a little cleanup. 

They set out the next day with gloves, wellies, and 1 rubbish picker and a plastic bag, and over a period of 30/40 mins, they gathered 1 full bag from the water's edge.

Jeffrey decided that 30 mins was such a short amount of time to take out of anyone's weekend, so he's made it a weekly thing. With the crisp air and healthy smells and an abundance of wildlife to see sure why not take 30 mins (3 zero) out of your day to make a difference in your local community. 

Jeffrey has set up a Facebook page here, where you can keep up to date and find out what time each Sunday the Coastal Clean Up 3 Zero group will meet. 

It's great to see residents take such pride in their area. If you can spare 30 mins over the weekend, why not head along! The group will meet this Sunday at 1 pm at the Dublin City Council sign on the Causeway.