Cluain Tarbh World Tour

28 Aug 2013

July and August are usually quieter months in the club GAA scene so for some fun, Clontarf GAA set their members a challenge to send in their pictures of the Cluain Tarbh logo from around the world.

There was a fantastic response, with the photos being featured in and the GAA website.

Over the two months, we've seen the famous geansaí dearg on beaches in Barbados and Thailand and on the Las Vegas strip. The water resistance of the training tops was put to the test on the water at Niagara Falls and their mentors jacket made an appearance in the dugout at Parkhead, the home of Glasgow Celtic.

You can follow the sightings on the Google map here. Keep sending in those pictures and join the #CluainTarbhWorldTour!

Take a look at some of the photos below. View all of the photos on their picture gallery on Facebook here.

Cluain Tarbh World Tour

Cluain Tarbh World TourCluain Tarbh World Tour

Cluain Tarbh World Tour