Clontarf's Public Representatives Speak on S2S Works
DCC opened the new cycleway from Bull Bridge to Causeway Road on Friday, 5th May 2017. CRA refused to attend this event as the work is incomplete.
Since then we have issued a number of updates in relation to the ongoing works on the Clontarf Road via We have also produced a comprehensive newsletter on the matter. Given the number and range of issues that are outstanding in relation to these works, we thought it important that residents know where their public representatives stand on the matter.
In this context, we asked each of our local public representatives to give us a short statement in relation to the ongoing works and in particular a statement in relation to the official “opening” -whether they attended the event or not, and why. We also asked them to indicate if they stood over the decision to open the cycle track when the crossings, designed to allow cyclists safely access same, were and are not yet in place.
Click here for the full details of the responses we received.
We are very grateful to our public representatives for working with us in trying to resolve the many issues with this project. It is important that we continue to work together to resolve the outstanding items and to achieve the best possible outcome for the whole community.