Clontarf ward councillor Damian OFarrell queries removal of dog fouling signs

12 Nov 2013

DUBLIN City Council has insisted that it was not forced to move anti-dog fouling signage because its message was only displayed in English and not Irish.

Clontarf ward councillor Damian O’Farrell (Ind), who made the claims, said dog fouling continues to be a major issue in streets and parks.  

“I'm very annoyed that in this time of scarce resources perfectly good 'anti-dog fouling' signage, already paid for, will not be used, and signage already erected by Dublin City Council has had to be taken down and is not likely to be replaced in the short-term,” stated Cllr O’Farrell.  

“I support our national language and the use of bilingual public signage but I can't support this waste of public money at a time when resources are non-existent and a common sense approach should have been taken.”

Read full story on: Dublin People