Clontarf Greens Climate Change Awareness Fundraiser
Clontarf Greens led by Donna Cooney are holding a fundraiser tonight in Gilbert and Wright Clontarf. The “Climate Change Awareness” event will take place at 7pm on Tuesday 28th.
The evening will start by watching Eco-Eye (topic weather and climate change), with our guest speaker Duncan Stewart, followed by the film "Chasing Ice" which is a film about James Balog's extreme ice survey. The film received rave reviews; it is frightening but breath-taking and beautiful. Critically acclaimed: "You've never seen images like this before" Robert Redford.
Then Duncan Stewart will lead a discussion about Climate Change and how if will effect flooding in Clontarf and what you can do about it.
The event also serves as a fundraiser for Donna Cooney’s local election campaign, tickets €10 at the door, or concessions €5.
Popcorn and snacks during the film…
For more information contact: Donna Cooney | Mobile: 0833317190 | Twitter:donna_cooney1 | Facebook