Clontarf GAA Nursery Returns

01 Sep 2020

An Naíolann the very popular Cluain Tarbh GAA nursery returns this Saturday, September 5th and this year the Club are inviting all cailíní agus buachaillí (girls and boys) born in 2016 to join in the fun.

The first session will only be for 2016 children and will take place at 9.30 am at the clubhouse astro behind Áras Chluain Tarbh which is between the Belgrove Girls and Boys Schools on Seafield Road.

2013-2015 children will be welcomed back on Saturday, September 12th. Venues and times for those groups will be available on later this week. Any children born in those years who haven't played before are more than welcome to join in the fun!

All sessions will be run in accordance with Public Health and GAA 'Return To Play' guidelines to create a safe environment for our members to participate in and enjoy Gaelic Games.

Due to COVID restrictions Clontarf GAA are not running their usual flyer drop this year so please tell your neighbours and friends if they have children in these age groups.