Clontarf GAA at Home Skills Tips!
Stay Home and Stay Safe
Cluain Tarbh are encouraging members to practice their skills at home so they can get some exercise in while staying healthy and practising their physical distancing.
For younger players, they have various videos on football, hurling and camogie skills that can be practised at home. They also have 200 Touch Daily Challenges that can be done in the garden with a wall and a ball.
For children who are not playing GAA there are also some movement videos that can be used for mini PE lessons as part of the daily routine.
They are also posting a daily exercise video with the club Strength & Conditioning Coach with some simple routines like chair squats and chair lunges being particularly suited for people working from home to incorporate and make sure they get a break from the screen.
Follow their Facebook page for the videos. Players, mentors and parents can also take part in their #CTChallenge with this week being the roll lift in hurling/camogie. Everyone that sends in an entry will be entered into a prize draw. See if you can beat Cluain Tarbh and Dublin hurler Paddy Smyth!
As a reminder, they also have a community volunteering group with 40+ people from parents, players and mentors on hand to support anyone in the local community that needs some assistance in the coming weeks.