Clontarf Community First Responders | Public Defibrillator Campaign

02 Dec 2019

Clontarf Community First Responders (CFR) is a new group of volunteers, that are alerted to medical emergencies by the National Ambulance Service for the Clontarf Area. They respond and provide basic patient care until the arrival of Paramedics to people who have suffered Cardiac Arrests, Chest Pain or Stroke. The Clontarf group are one of approximately 10 in Dublin and 250 nationwide.

The responders are made up of residents from the area who are trained to provide basic life support in a voluntary capacity. In the case of a cardiac arrest, every minute that passes reduces the chance of survival by 7% - 10%. As the volunteers all live in the area they can get quickly to someone who needs help hopefully making a difference.

The group were delighted to have their first defibrillator installed in Clontarf (at the Food Room), and have now launched a campaign "Fix for 6" and have 6 public defibrillators mounted on walls spread throughout the Clontarf area so a defib is never too far away if needed for someone suffering a cardiac arrest.

Each defibrillator costs €2,000. So the group have set up a Go Fund Me Page to raise €10,000 to fund the remaining 5 defibs. We urge readers to follow this link and donate whatever they can to this worthy cause. You never know when you or someone you love might need the assistance of a defibrillator.