Clontarf Business Association Networking Group Inaugural Meeting

09 Apr 2013

The Clontarf Business Association is delighted to announce that the inaugural CBA Networking Group meeting will take place this Thursday, April 11th. It will begin at 8.30am and will be held upstairs in Moloughneys on Vernon Avenue.

It is hoped by the CBA committee that this new initiative is yet another step required to foster closer relations between the CBA members which have already developed strongly over the past number of years under the guidance of the recently retired CBA Chairperson Gus O'Hara.

Newly elected CBA Chairperson Niall Geaney hopes that through referral of business between CBA members and the CBA, they can build an even stronger business community in Clontarf.

The organisers are proposing monthly meetings at first and would suggest that all attendees would have the opportunity to present their business to the other attendees.

Not only that but the CBA will also be hosting events throughout the year to educate its members on promoting their business more effectively at a local level and building strong local contacts, both ingredients vital to the success of the CBA.

The CBA has asked that you simply bring with you your business cards, brochures and any promotional items together with a desire to sell your business locally!