Clontarf Business Association Call For New Members
Clontarf is a truly strong community, and the Clontarf Business Association is living proof of this. The CBA was set up over five years ago, with its goal being to strengthen and provide for Clontarf-based businesses. Since then, the CBA has experienced a huge amount of success. With over one hundred members, it is one of the most popular community-based business initiatives in the entire country.
The CBA mission statement:
"Our mission is to serve our members in Clontarf by building strong relationships between our members, the local community and local elected representatives through social networking, community interaction and active lobbying on key issues of interest to our members and also by offering a range of tools to help Clontarf businesses develop and promote their products and services both locally and beyond."
The CBA are currently seeking new members. There are still businesses in Clontarf who are not members of this association, and the CBA would like to extend an invitation to them. Businesses currently involved with the CBA have benefitted greatly, but the CBA want these benefits to be available to all Clontarf-based businesses.
The Clontarf Business Association offer a huge amount of benefits to their members, including:
- Monthly networking events and social gatherings. These events enable Clontarf's business owners to meet one another, discuss projects and build relationships.
- A CBA loyalty card which entitles you to money-saving deals with numerous Clontarf-based businesses. You can check out these deals here
- The chance to be a part of a strong community-based initiative that lobbies on important issues in our area.
- The chance to engage and work with the Clontarf Resident's Association.
- Lifetime membership in the Joint Working Group.
- The opportunity to participate in and organise some of Clontarf’s major events, such as the Viking Festival which took place last April.
The CBA's ultimate goal is to represent all 300 Clontarf-based businesses, thereby strengthening our community socially and economically. The CBA welcomes everyone, from large businesses and retailers to home-based businesses and sole traders. Contact the CBA today by emailing to find out more information!