CBA Business Breakfast - A Great Success

19 Oct 2015

The Clontarf Business Association ‘Budget Business Breakfast’ took place on October 15th, at the Clontarf Castle. 

The aim of the Clontarf Business Association is for likeminded business owners located in Clontarf to come together and support one another’s businesses, develop businesses further through networking and knowledge sharing and add value to their business through active promotion and affinity schemes.

There was a large turnout from both current and prospective members of the CBA at the breakfast, despite the early start! 

After a short time mingling, all in attendance were invited to sit down in the beautifully laid out hall, where Karen Burrows of Burrows Estates and Clontarf Castle’s General Manager David Hennessy welcomed everyone and spoke briefly about the success of the CBA and changes for the future. 

As breakfast was served, Derek Andrews of Andrews Tax Consulting took to the stand to discuss his ‘Budget 2016 Inspired Tax Tips’. 

Derek offered insights into the 2016 Budget, which had been announced earlier that week, and what it meant for small business owners, the self-employed and start-ups. Of particular interest, were Derek’s breakdown on the change in USC, Gift & Inheritance Tax, Capital Gains Tax and Data Protection. 

Overall, the breakfast was a great success and it was wonderful to see representation from so many businesses in Clontarf!

The CBA is now in it’s seventh year, and is always ready to welcome new members. Click here for more information on how you can sign up your business.